Production Blog: First Filming Day

I'm excited to finally begin filming the scenes for my short film. I'm starting with exterior shots today, which will set the scene for the entire movie. The first location I am shooting at is on 32nd Street, which is a busy city street with plenty of traffic and pedestrians. My first shot is an establishing shot of the entire street. I am using a drone to get a bird's eye view of the area, which will give viewers an idea of the setting. It's a bright and sunny day, which makes the colors of the buildings and trees pop. The next scene I am filming is at the Jetson residence. I've set up a tripod to capture the front of the house, which is a beautiful yellow mansion with a large front lawn. I am going to film the characters as they exit the house and get into their car. The Jetson's driveway is my next location, and I am using a camera dolly to capture the car as it drives up and parks. I am doing a few takes to get the shot just right, but the actors are doing a great job. We're also filming some scenes on 32nd Street itself, which is a busy thoroughfare with lots of traffic. I am using a handheld camera to capture the characters as they walk down the street, trying to blend in with the crowds. A few blocks down from 32nd Street is another location I am filming at. This area is a little quieter than the previous one, with more trees and fewer cars. I am using a Steadicam to capture the characters as they walk down the sidewalk. My final location for today is a dead end. I am filming a chase scene here, where the characters run down the street and are trapped at the end. It's a tense scene, and I am using a handheld camera to capture the action up close. Overall, it's been a great day of filming. I've gotten some fantastic shots that will set the tone for the entire movie. I can't wait to see how it all comes together in the editing room.


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