Production Blog: Filming Finale

 After filming all of my outdoor scenes at Birch State Park, I decided to wrap up the other half of filming today. I made sure to call on all my actors that were in today's scenes. I only needed two of my group members, Addison and Connor, as well as myself for the scenes filmed today. Since today my group and I had no school, I instructed them to come over at 11 A.M. so I could get an early start on filming. I followed my usual procedure of getting my actors into their costumes and makeup. Today, only Addison playing Ashley, and me playing Megan, were needed. However, I made sure to have my cameraman Connor come as well. Connor ran into some traffic, so I began filming the scene in which Ashley is getting ready for her date with Noah. While I have a bit of filming experience it was difficult for me to perfect the lighting and angles at first. I made sure to record multiple shots of each motion in the scene. Addison and I disagreed a few times during today's filming session as we both had little knowledge of filming. After completing the filming of the indoor scenes, Connor arrived. I got all my actors into my car and headed to Dolphin Isles Park. I only needed to film one scene at the park today. This scene showed Ashley and Megan hanging out at the park on the swing set. After I arrived at the park I realized the swing set had one regular swing a done baby swing. So, I had to reblock the way my actors were standing. This shot was very hard to angle correctly due to the harsh sunlighting during the day. However, since my cameraman was here he easily adapted and filmed this scene from multiple angles. Today was a short day of filming and I was able to head home with my groupmates early. I am happy to put an

end to filming and I am so excited to begin editing!


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