Genre Decision

 My group decided to choose the genre of horror for our movie introduction. Not only does this genre best for our pitch, but it is also the only genre that makes sense with our topic. Since our pitch is based on the topic of child predators it is very sensitive. The first genre my group and I researched was comedy. This genre is very popular and includes colorful costumes, characters, and editing. However, looking deeper into the genre I knew it would not be a good fit. With a serious issue being discussed flashy, big, and colorful Mis-en-Scene would not correctly convey the message of the pitch. Next, my group began researching the genre of drama. Dramatic films included a focus on actors using establishing shots, wide-angle shots, long shots, medium shots, closeups, and extreme closeups. These camera angles help show viewers the importance of a certain scene in the drama. While these shots seemed fitting for the pitch, some common scenes include fighting, low-key lighting, and parallel sound. These elements do not fit the pitch and would make our pitch look confusing and unprofessional. Lastly, we researched the genre of horror. Most films in the horror genre are filmed using handheld shots, low and tracking shots. These are perfect for our pitch as they will show our main character throughout her interactions with the predator. This will help our film lead up to the climax. Common Mis-en-Scene used in horror films such as dark costumes, dark lighting, and unusual “scary” settings will fit our pitch perfectly. Therefore we chose the genre Horror for our final task. 



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